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Convert your BIM Model into 3D Sketch With Revit
How to convert you BIM Model into Sketch ? Architects are always looking to be creative and searching for new ideas and showing that they have potentials in several design techniques especially when...
How to Export and link COBie File from Revit to Power BI
Export COBie file from Revit ? COBie helps organizations electronically capture and record important project data at the point of origin, including equipment lists, product data sheets, warranties, spare...
revit project browser
How To Organize Revit Project Browser?
As a BIM Coordinator, BIM Manager or BIM Consultant, one of your responsibilities is to maintain the clarity of the BIM Model to facilitate the navigation between its plans, sheets and schedules and the...
Revit shared coordinates
How To Link Revit Models by Shared Coordinates?
Link Revit Models by Shared Coordinates | Why and How? The cool thing about the Federated model is that you can view all the project elements in one single model like ducts, beams, columns, stairs, lumps,...