Off axis floor sktech lines
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Solving Revit’s “Element Slightly Off Axis” Floor Warnings with Dynamo

If you’ve ever encountered the frustrating “Element is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies” warning in Revit, particularly with floor elements, you’re not alone. This common issue can lead to model inaccuracies and time-consuming manual fixes. Today, we’re excited to share a powerful Dynamo script that automates the process of resolving these warnings, saving…

How to Fix the "Line is Slightly Off Axis and May Cause Inaccuracies" Warning in Revit
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How to Fix the “Line is Slightly Off Axis and May Cause Inaccuracies” Warning in Revit

If you’re a Revit user, you’ve probably encountered the “Line is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies” warning at some point in your project. While it may seem like a minor issue, it can lead to significant problems, especially when you’re working with complex models or preparing for documentation. Fortunately, there’s a quick and…

How to Fix the “Geometry in the File .dwg Has Extents Greater than 20 Miles (33 km) ” Error in Revit

How to Fix the “Geometry in the File .dwg Has Extents Greater than 20 Miles (33 km) ” Error in Revit

Introduction If you’ve tried to import a CAD file into Revit and encountered the error, “Geometry in the file .dwg has extents greater than 20 miles (33 km),” you’re not alone. This error can be frustrating, as it often prevents a seamless import and may lead to graphical or performance issues. In this guide, I’ll…